Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy "Birth" Day

It's a GIRL!Lilian Mayverette
Lily May
7 lbs 8 oz - 22.5"

arrived @ 4:03 am
February 25, 2008
on grandpa's birthday.

Baby & Mom doing well.

Dad still on high.

Grandpa beaming from ear to ear.

Welcome to the World Lily May.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy 1st Anniversary!

It is hard to believe that a whole year has passed

but, it has....

and you've made it!!

(not that we doubted it)

Congratulations and many, many more.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hello to All attached,
This is also my first time as a blogger...
Happy birthday Court, remember it's only a state of ???
Mark and Charlotte on the view from above...look out below!
Congrats to Sarah and Mike, welcome aboard.
Christien's shoulder is almost totally healed, Adam's days are quite hectic an Mom and Dad are
hoping we will be able to keep up.
Let's see how this new system works?
Love and stuff

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Guess who's getting married, dunno when, still getting over the shock
Happy Valentine's Day Family

and to Craig Locke


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Court!

Well, 'ole Willie didn't see his shadow does this mean more winter or spring is on its way??? I can never keep these things straight. Sort of like the fever thing...feed a fever?? or starve a fever??? I always feed it. Don't want to be wrong on that one.

The other big event this weekend is Courtney's birthday. Have a wonderful day girl..and many more to come.

We love you.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Woot Woot

What a great idea...I hope it catches on!

Snow Bound

I write my first blog entry on the 24th floor room of the Sheraton Fallviews hotel, the building renowned for its perilous perch almost atop the mightly Niagara horseshoe.

We paid a premium for a top floor view but looking out the panoramic window now, the view is completely shrouded in blizzard. We might as well be in the basement staring up at the ceiling.

What better time then to while away the afternoon than have Charlotte create then have me participate in the launching of "Whaley"s Web."

Problem is, I've never been very chatty. Good thing too, being married to Charlotte for the past 35 years.

Nonetheless I will welcome the occasional contribution as I keep up with the news and views of an ever expanding family.

Toodles - Mark

The Beginning

I have been thinking about doing this for sometime...and the time has come. As our family grows and we all get busier, it is harder and harder for us to stay in touch, so it is time for us to step into the new age and use this medium to stay connected.

Mark and I are held up in Niagara due to the big storm, so the opportunity presents itself to get our family blog started. Oh ya...I am also using this opportunity to teach "Mr. Intelligent Waterloo" about these new fandigle things called blogs and how easy they are to use.

I hope our family blog proves to be a fulfilling tool for all of us. I will send a mass email to provide the link and password so that everyone can contribute as they see fit.

Here's to hearing from you all.
